All my girls
my daughter with 4 of her 5 nieces(my grandaughters)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Enough Already!!!
I am not whining but come on now, this is enough. I went to Calif. last Thursday and it was in the 80's and came home Sunday to lovely weather here in Klamath Falls and then today this is whats going on. Not good.
My daughter in law gave me two beautiful camelia trees and Mary and I planted then in two lovely large containers and put on on the deck, well I just went out with hat and gloves and jacket to bring them in. Not easy as they are very heavy. I have to save them as they are not going to make it in the cold. I did expect when summer is over to bring them in but not now. We have temporarilly placed them near Billy Birds' cage and he would love to get out and climb on them. That's not happening either. I know that this is just going to make us all appreciate the warm weather that much more when it finally gets here.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
April Showers brings the snow?
Well, this is what I woke up to this morning. Not Happy!!! Good for farmers I guess and will delay the stickers in the yard for a while. I am leaving tomorrow for my sons house in California. I might have to wait and leave on Friday if we get another night of this. I am driving down to Lodi and picking up a u-haul trailer and coming home Sunday with all my posessions and storing them in Klamath Falls for a while. I will be so excited to see my grandaughters as well as family and friends. Haven't seen anyone since Christmas.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Charming Chicks Meet
Well, last Sunday the Klamath Falls Charming Chicks had a meeting at one of our sis chicks house and it was so wonderful I have to tell you all about it.We met at Susans house and she has a llama farm, However she also has emus and pygora goats and angora rabbits as well as a large variety of chickens. She turns all her animals hair into fiber and weaves it. She also teaches classes on Fridays about spinning and fiber and needle felting. It is so interesting. She also dyes her own fiber. She served a delicious lunch of fresh salad and fruits and cold cuts and cheeses. We had champayne or wine or teas to drink. Then the piece de risistance was her fudge. It was so good and a variety of nuts ,she doesn't use sugar but sweetened condensed milk. I want that recipe! I always used the See's famous fudge and I like Susans' better.
The animals were all so cute and friendly. The spun fiber is so very very soft. The rabbits to me were the softest. What a great day we all had.
The animals were all so cute and friendly. The spun fiber is so very very soft. The rabbits to me were the softest. What a great day we all had.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
house hunting and fabric shopping
Yesterday I met with my realtor and viewed several homes in the Chiloquin area that is know as Oregon Shores. Most of the places we saw had a nice view of Agency Lake which is just at the northside of Klamath Lake, Well I'll tell you I found a house to die for but no view other than the back of the neighbors homes and had no fencing or yard at all. A couple of others that had a decent view off the decks but houses need tons of work to make livable. Then I found the perfect place for me and it even can come furnished. Seeing how I have nothing that was a big plus and the furniture was gorgeous! Only problem with it was about 25,000 over budget. So I am going to see a coupe more tomorrow and then I'll put on my thinking cap and make some kind of decision.
My son and daughter in law got me a gift certificat to the Fabric store and today after we worked out at the gym I hit a sale. I got 3 different fabrics for quilting and then 3 yards of muslin and a couple new square rulers for quilting and also 3 yards of stiff interfacing for some projects I am working on to sell. Everything was 50% of or more. I got one fabric with a coupon and then 50% off for only 1.50 a yard. Wow! all my stuff was only 52.00 and I saved 46 dollars. I still have money on my card so I should stay busy sewing for quite a while. Yippee! get to shop again,
My son and daughter in law got me a gift certificat to the Fabric store and today after we worked out at the gym I hit a sale. I got 3 different fabrics for quilting and then 3 yards of muslin and a couple new square rulers for quilting and also 3 yards of stiff interfacing for some projects I am working on to sell. Everything was 50% of or more. I got one fabric with a coupon and then 50% off for only 1.50 a yard. Wow! all my stuff was only 52.00 and I saved 46 dollars. I still have money on my card so I should stay busy sewing for quite a while. Yippee! get to shop again,
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Birthday Luncheon
Here are some of the great cards and things I recieved yesterday when the Klamath Falls Charming Chicks gave me a Birthday Lunch. It was just wonderful. We all met at Mazatlan restaurant in Klamath Falls and had great food and gifts and a lovely great tasting lemon and blackberry cake made by chick Julie. I got many nice gifts but the best of all was the company of my chick sisters. We always have a good time when we get together. Our next thing will be on the 18th. We are going to Susans for lunch and we will see her new baby pygora goats and her 8 new baby angora rabbits and baby llamas. She will also be demostrating needle felting. We all made totes for our secret pal and a sewing sister that we will give away there too. With all of Susans' babies you can tell spring is here,
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Birthday Girl
I can dream

wish I was here
getting carrots
Billy Bird and Mom brush calves
grooming Cheech and Chong to keep them friendly has become a daily chore. The calves now are about 350 pounds and were starting to not want our company so now I brush them and have created a monster with Cheech. I have discovered he loves apples and carrots. Chong however wont even smell the goodies. Now Cheech stands in front of the front porch moowing at me for his treats. After I give him his treats it is hard to get back to the house and he is very determined to find more in my pockets.