All my girls

All my girls
my daughter with 4 of her 5 nieces(my grandaughters)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday Sampler at Tater Patch Quilts

Well Saturday I went to another Saturday sampler and had so much fun as always with all the gals.  They drew a name for quilt princess and my friend Heather won.  Well, she was the model to show off a little stash your cash bag that is to be tied into your bra and as you can see they had a "Special
Bra" in mind.
We also had show and tell and there were too many quilts to show but I did take a picture of one special one.

I also have pics of the chair cover that I quilted the star for out of suede fabric.

Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl

I can dream

I can dream
wish I was here

getting carrots

getting carrots

Billy Bird and Mom brush calves

Billy Bird and Mom brush calves
grooming Cheech and Chong to keep them friendly has become a daily chore. The calves now are about 350 pounds and were starting to not want our company so now I brush them and have created a monster with Cheech. I have discovered he loves apples and carrots. Chong however wont even smell the goodies. Now Cheech stands in front of the front porch moowing at me for his treats. After I give him his treats it is hard to get back to the house and he is very determined to find more in my pockets.