Last Friday a few of us Charming Chicks went thrift store shopping in Bend.
first off no one knew where they were going so we tried out Gails new gps system. Well all it did was tell us the thrift store we wanted was 200 miles away from where we were. We knew that was wrong. We drove around alot and did find several thrift stores by accident. We each found some treasures to take home. We met up at 8 am. and then went into Klamath Falls to pick up Faith and then on to Bend. I have lived here over 1year and this was my first time there. Lot of stores compared to this area. I liked the area. It was very pretty. Naturally we had to stop for lunch so we opted for the Olive Garden. It was nice and our waiter took our picture for us. At our first stop I found a neat rose embroidered table cloth and a great red trimmed wine glass. Now I have to find matches to it. The weather was just perfect that day too. After lunch we got busy looking for more shops. Mary and I both found treasures and aprons for our tea party.
Gail found a chair and some other goodies and Faith found some stuff too only I don't remember what it was.
We also found a neat St.Vincent De Pauls, wow , so clean and nice. It was such a nice store. Will have to go back sometime and check out everything again.
By 6p.m. that evening we were getting pretty pooped out as you can tell from Faith and Marys picture here. Even if we had not found little treasures it was fun just sharing the day with good friends and conversation. We all need to just get away now and then. We got home around 8:30 that evening and had absolutely no trouble falling to sleep.We are always ready to go again.