All my girls

All my girls
my daughter with 4 of her 5 nieces(my grandaughters)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall Rally 2011

October 1 the women from our church as well as from others went to Alturas for the Fall rally 2011.  This was a great womens conference and as usual we all had a great time.

 The music was the girl band
Heritage and they were so good that I want to purchase one of their cd's.  The women in Heritage are all professional women, all married with children and do this on the side.  They were a great Blessing to us all.
We caravaned to Alturas in 4 large vehicles.  From our church we had 23 women.

 We had a wonderful breakfast and lunch .  The theme this year was
'His Treasures"  the tables had treasure chests on them with gold and jewels.  We had little treasure chests at each place with treats inside too.  All received a neclace treasure to wear.

 Our main speaker was Julie Norman from Little Country Church in Redding, Ca.  She showed us and told us all how each one of us are Gods special treasures and how he specifically choose each one of us.  Each one of us is his "Treasured Possesions"  Julie has 6 daughters (2 adopted who are still at home) and 11 grandchildren.

Seeing Oregon Country

 On The 22nd of Sept. 5 of us Chicks went to the Mtn. Rose Herb sponsered Rootstalk Festival and on the way there and on the way home I was blessed with the opportunity to see more of Oregon.  It is a beautiful State.  These first two photos are in the outskirts of the town of Drain.  One of the chicks parents live there and we stopped overnight. They are
 building a new home but this is their garden area in front of the house.  Drain was very close to Cottage Grove.
 These pictures are on the way home and they are of Lake Lowell.  This is where the covered bridge is.  This is the west side of the lake.
 We stopped here for a break and just had to take pictures.  If you look close enough the covered bridge is all the way across the lake.
Ha Ha, well what do you know?  This bridge is older than I am.

 I took alot of pics of this bridge.  When you go through it there are windows out to the lake from the inside.  Cars can't drive through it any longer but the next bridge was right in the town of Lowell and traffic drives through every day.

 These lovely falls are Salt Creek Falls and they were gorgeous!  I wouldn't have know they were there if Cheryl hadn't been there before. 

Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl

I can dream

I can dream
wish I was here

getting carrots

getting carrots

Billy Bird and Mom brush calves

Billy Bird and Mom brush calves
grooming Cheech and Chong to keep them friendly has become a daily chore. The calves now are about 350 pounds and were starting to not want our company so now I brush them and have created a monster with Cheech. I have discovered he loves apples and carrots. Chong however wont even smell the goodies. Now Cheech stands in front of the front porch moowing at me for his treats. After I give him his treats it is hard to get back to the house and he is very determined to find more in my pockets.