All my girls

All my girls
my daughter with 4 of her 5 nieces(my grandaughters)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December Chicks Meeting!

What a Great bunch of Gals!!! This is the Klamath Falls Charming Chicks Chapter of MaryJane'sFarm.  We are all farmgirls at heart no matter where we live.  3 members are missing from this photo.
Yesterday we had our Dec. meeting and collected the food and gifts that we all collected for the families we are adopting through the Salvation Army for Christmas.  We also had our Christmas party and had a blast with the white elephant gifts that we open and stolen.  Great fun.  We celebrated two birthdays and planned our calenders for January and February meetings.  We are looking forward to the class Patty and Susan are going to teach needle felting.  We will each be given a kit and learn together this craft.  There were many deserts and cookies and goodies, which I was good at refraining from.  I have lost 25 lbs in the last 12 weeks and am still going strong.  It is so much fun when others start to notice.  I am more or less on my own untill my next weight loss challenge class starts on Jan. 20th.  Mary and I will go tomorrow to cut down two Christmas trees that we will deliver to the Salvation Army on Wednesday.  It is so fullfilling to give to others.  No matter how bad your situation is , there is always someone who needs help and you can always contribute something.  I know these families will have a great Christmas with all the gifts and food we gave.  Thank you Lord for allowing us this privelage  of sharing. 

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Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl

I can dream

I can dream
wish I was here

getting carrots

getting carrots

Billy Bird and Mom brush calves

Billy Bird and Mom brush calves
grooming Cheech and Chong to keep them friendly has become a daily chore. The calves now are about 350 pounds and were starting to not want our company so now I brush them and have created a monster with Cheech. I have discovered he loves apples and carrots. Chong however wont even smell the goodies. Now Cheech stands in front of the front porch moowing at me for his treats. After I give him his treats it is hard to get back to the house and he is very determined to find more in my pockets.