All my girls

All my girls
my daughter with 4 of her 5 nieces(my grandaughters)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Rambo the desert turtle

  This is Rambo, a desert turtle that lives at my daughters home in Sacramento.  I went there for Christmas and was alone during the day as my daughter had to work on the 23rd.  I had forgotten all about Rambo and was helping her out by cleaning the house.  
I almost jumped in fright when the corner of my eye caught something moving in the fireplace that was filled with paper bags from all the shopping.  It was just Rambo trying to find a warm spot in the house.  He usually sits under their roll a way heater in the living room.  He was given this huge amount of lettuce for his meal and it was totally gone in a hour.  I couldn't believe that little guy ate it all.  Christmas eve Jasons kids came over and someone put a silver bow on top of Rambo so he strolled around like a Christmas package all day.
I had a great trip, 2 days with my daughter Kindra and her boyfriend Jason and then 2 days in Lodi with son Bryan and his wife and 3 girls and then up to Jackson for a day and half to visit oldest son Rick and his 2 daughters.  Last night had dinner with my sister Verlie in Sacramento and then back to my daughters and on the train at midnight to come home.  All in all it was a good visit but there is nothing as great as getting back home. 
I think all loved all the quilts I made for them.  Now I have to get a new project.  That will be fun.  I am making a crochet rug and will start a new quilt project soon.     
I won the weight loss challenge I joined.  I lost 27 pounds and in Jan.20th we start another session.  I also received 212.00 for my victory that came in handy in time for Christmas.  Yippee!!!!         

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Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl

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getting carrots

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Billy Bird and Mom brush calves

Billy Bird and Mom brush calves
grooming Cheech and Chong to keep them friendly has become a daily chore. The calves now are about 350 pounds and were starting to not want our company so now I brush them and have created a monster with Cheech. I have discovered he loves apples and carrots. Chong however wont even smell the goodies. Now Cheech stands in front of the front porch moowing at me for his treats. After I give him his treats it is hard to get back to the house and he is very determined to find more in my pockets.